Joined by Andrea Fomera, Tony Hawk, and starting a Rails Hackathon!

Remote Ruby - A podcast by Jason Charnes, Chris Oliver, Andrew Mason - Fridays


[00:00:49] What an interesting week for Andrew! Find out exactly what happened to him and all about his “concerns” he had at work. [00:07:41] Chris was on Twitter this week talking about maybe bringing back “Rails Rumble” and he would love to make it happen but would need help. [00:12:20] We find out if anyone has participated in a Hackathon before. Chris and Jason talk about one time they tried to have their own Hackathon and what happened.[00:18:27] Andrea, the “Caddy Expert,” tells us all about Caddy and how Caddy 2 has the built in API. [00:22:21] Andrea talks about a “proof of concept” she put together instead of using an API.[00:24:53] Andrew wonders if Caddy is just a replacement for NGINX and Chris explains. He also mentions that Caddy is like NGNIX on steroids. ☺ [00:28:53] Chris tells us what Passenger does, and Andrea shares something about Passenger.[00:31:50] We learn more about Andrea’s Hotwire course, and she shares her opinions on good case uses for Hotwire or StimulusReflex. [00:37:35] Andrea tells us the biggest confusion with a lot of people who have gone through her course.[00:38:39] Andrea announces there is a link to her course as well as Jason’s course, and you should check them both out. Andrea also announces she is giving a 15% discount on her course for Remote Ruby listeners!  ☺[00:39:08] We end with Chris announcing the launch of the Hotwire iOS template for Jumpstart Pro, which is going to be pretty sweet.Panelists:Jason CharnesChris OliverAndrew MasonGuest:Andrea FomeraSponsor:HoneybadgerLinks:Andrea Fomera WebsiteLearn Hotwire by Building a Forum-Course by Andrea FomeraInteractive Rails with StimulusReflex- Course by Jason CharnesRails RumbleCaddyMicrosoft Vista Speech Recognition Tested- Perl ScriptingJumpstart Pro iOSPassengerNGINX