Ovarian Cancer | Breakfast with the Investigators: Ovarian Cancer

Research To Practice | Oncology Videos - A podcast by Dr Neil Love

Featuring perspectives from Dr Philipp Harter, Dr David M O’Malley and Dr Shannon N Westin, including the following topics: Up-Front Treatment for Advanced Ovarian Cancer (OC) Introduction (0:00) Front-line maintenance therapy for patients with advanced OC (3:11) Adverse events associated with PARP inhibitors and implications for therapeutic selection (14:17) Other considerations for patients with advanced ovarian cancer and germline BRCA mutations: Management of the breast, role of genetic counseling, et cetera  (31:03) The Evolving Management Paradigm for Relapsed/Refractory OC PARP inhibitors as later-line therapy for advanced OC (35:20) Use of mirvetuximab soravtansine in advanced OC  (44:04) Novel Agents and Strategies Under Investigation for Advanced OC Upifitamab rilsodotin in advanced OC (50:10) Tumor treating fields in advanced OC (56:03) CME information and select publications