178. Anger Phobia

Resentment-Free Relationships - A podcast by Becky Smith


Anger phobia is an extreme fear of anger in oneself and others. It can lead to avoidance of conflict, which can damage relationships and prevent personal growth. Key Points Anger is a normal human emotion, but it can be harmful if it is not expressed in a healthy way. There are two main components of anger phobia: judgment and fear. Judgment can lead us to believe that anger is always bad, while fear can lead us to avoid it altogether. Both judgment and fear can be based on past experiences, such as being raised in a household where anger was not expressed in a healthy way. It is important to challenge our judgments about anger and understand the underlying fears. Once we understand our fears, we can start to develop healthier ways of dealing with anger. Questions to Consider What is your relationship with anger? What do you think about anger in yourself and others? What fears do you have about anger? How do your fears about anger affect your relationships? What can you do to develop healthier ways of dealing with anger? Action Steps Start by paying attention to your thoughts and feelings about anger. Notice when you are judging anger or feeling afraid of it. Challenge your judgments about anger. Ask yourself if they are true. Explore your fears about anger. What do you fear will happen if you express or experience anger from others? Develop healthy ways of expressing and dealing with anger. This may involve learning new communication skills or seeking professional help. Conclusion By understanding our judgments and fears about anger, we can develop healthier ways of dealing with this emotion.