57. How I run my quarterly review

Resilient by Design with Rebecca Hay - A podcast by Rebecca Hay - Thursdays


This episode is all about how I the quarterly review for my business. When I shared on Instagram at the end of March that I was having an all-day meeting with my team to review the past quarter and plan ahead, I had a lot of people reach out and ask me what was a quarterly review meeting and how did I run one. So this episode is in answer to all those messages. A quarterly review meeting is a time to step back from working in your business to assess what you’ve done in the last 90 days, where you’re currently at, and where you want to go in the next 90 days. I can’t take all the credit, I got this idea to run a quarterly review for my business for Gino Wickman’s book, Traction. It has been my bible for running and growing my business and team for the last few years. (This is not an Ad, I genuinely love this book and it has helped me so much!) Since I first read about quarterly reviews in the book, I have tweaked it to fit my business and my team but basic elements are there. In this episode, I’m going to walk you through how I run the quarterly review meeting for my business, so if you want to introduce something like this into your company - solo or in a team, grab a pen and take some notes. It’s super important to take this step back and assess every three months because if you’ve set goals for the year, you need a way to keep yourself (and your team) on track to actually achieving them. If you set yearly goals but you never check-in and review, how do you know you’re working towards them? More often than not if you don’t check-in and break down your big hairy audacious goals into smaller bite-sized pieces, the end of the new year will come and they will still be sitting on your to-do list. If nothing else a quarterly review meeting will keep you and your team accountable to the values in your organization. -- Leave a comment below on how you liked this episode and let me know what other topics or guests you’d like on the podcast. Don’t forget to rate the podcast on Apple Podcast, Spotify, or any other podcast platform!