S2E15: Introducing ‘Implementation Science for Schools’: an interview with Kate Barry & Elaine Long

Rethinking Education - A podcast by Dr James Mannion


In this episode, Dr James Mannion - the creator of the Implementation Science for Schools programme - interviews two senior leaders, Kate Barry and Elaine Long, about their experience of the ISS pilot study at their school. RETHINKING ED CONFERENCE LINKS Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/lets-get-together-the-rethinking-education-conference-2022-tickets-226415834857 Social media links: Youtube (trailer): https://youtu.be/JKz8ALX2QFM Twitter: https://twitter.com/Rethinking_Ed/status/1528046472444485638 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/100004976851081/videos/706113054004294/ Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/james-mannion_too-often-the-education-debate-is-dominated-activity-6933887283146207232-53h0 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tv/Cd1b__3svlV ISS LINKS AND REFERENCES To access the ISS community for free - including a free taster course - please visit https://implementation.mn.co/ ISS visual diagrams: https://rethinking-ed.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/ISS-VISUAL-DIAGRAMS.pdf The Gatsby careers benchmarks - https://www.gatsby.org.uk/uploads/education/reports/pdf/gatsby-sir-john-holman-good-career-guidance-2014.pdf Fixsen, D. L., Blase, K. A., Timbers, G. D., & Wolf, M. M. (2001). In search of program implementation: 792 replications of the Teaching-Family Model. In G. A. Bernfeld, D. P. Farrington & A. W. Leschied (Eds.), Offender rehabilitation in practice: Implementing and evaluating effective programs (pp. 149-166). London: Wiley. Fixsen, D., Blase, K., Van Dyke, M. (2019). Implementation Practice and Science. Active Implementation Research Network. Chapel Hill, NC. Hill, A., Mellon, L., Laker, B., Goddard, J. (2017) Research: How the Best School Leaders Create Enduring Change. Harvard Business Review, (5). Kotter, J. (2008). A sense of urgency. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Press. Moir, T. (2018). Why is implementation science important for intervention design and evaluation within educational settings? Frontiers in Education, July 25.