S2E18: Peter Gray on why coercive schooling is "immoral and unnecessary"

Rethinking Education - A podcast by Dr James Mannion


Peter Gray is a research professor at Boston College and the author of 'Free to Learn' and 'Psychology', a college textbook now in its 8th edition. Here are some of the incredible things people have written about 'Free to Learn':: “The modern educational system is like a wish made in a folk tale gone horribly wrong. Peter Gray's Free to Learn leads us out of the maze of unforeseen consequences to a more natural way of letting children educate themselves. Gray's message might seem too good to be true, but it rests upon a strong scientific foundation. Free to Learn can have an immediate impact on the children in your life.” (David Sloan Wilson) “A compelling and most enjoyable read. Gray illustrates how removing play from childhood, in combination with increasing the pressures of modern-day schooling, paradoxically reduces the very skills we want our children to learn. The decline of play is serious business.” (Roberta Michnick Golinkoff) “Peter Gray is one of the world's experts on the evolution of childhood play, and applies his encyclopedic knowledge of psychology, and his humane voice, to the pressing issue of educational reform. Though I am not sure I agree with all of his recommendations, he forces us all to rethink our convictions on how schools should be designed to accommodate the ways that children learn.” (Steven Pinker) PETER GRAY LINKS Peter's research and Psychology Today blog: https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/contributors/peter-gray-phd Alliance for Self-Directed Education: https://www.self-directed.org/ Let Grow: https://letgrow.org/ American Journal of Play - Guest Editor Peter Gray: https://www.museumofplay.org/journalofplay/issues/volume-3-number-4/ RETHINKING ED CONFERENCE LINKS Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/lets-get-together-the-rethinking-education-conference-2022-tickets-226415834857 Trailer: youtu.be/JKz8ALX2QFM Twitter: https://twitter.com/Rethinking_Ed/status/1528046472444485638 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/100004976851081/videos/706113054004294/ Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/james-mannion_too-often-the-education-debate-is-dominated-activity-6933887283146207232-53h0/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tv/Cd1b__3svlV/ Tiktok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMNNSFhrq/?k=1 Rethinking Education Mighty Network: rethinking-education.mn.co Become a patron: www.patreon.com/repod Buy me a coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/repod The Rethinking Education podcast is hosted and produced by Dr James Mannion. You can contact him at www.rethinking-ed.org/contact, or via @RethinkingJames on Twitter.