#901 Walking at the Speed of Love with Mark Buchanan
Revelation Wellness - Healthy & Whole - A podcast by Alisa Keeton

Need a little still water on a noisy, rushing day? This deep, life-giving conversation with Alisa and author and professor Mark Buchanan is just that. Mark has spent the last ten years learning how to slow down and to practice paying attention—and he's sharing what he's learned today. One nugget of wisdom you'll hear from him is that hearts don't grow when they're rushed. Mark is the author of God Walk: Moving at the Speed of Your Soul, a beautiful call for believers of Christ to stop rushing and start walking. He's sharing why walking is the forgotten discipline of the Christian church. Mark also talks about why cultivating a slow honors the body, and when we're in a hurry, we miss the presence of God. Go grab a copy of Mark's book as you prepare to train for the Love-Paced Race. If you're looking for community and people to train with you at the speed of love, join us in the Love-Paced Race! Train for a 5K, 10K, half marathon, or full marathon where love is the speed and freedom is the goal. We love our Rev community and think you will, too! Be sure to get connected with us at: The Official Revelation Wellness Facebook / Instagram / RevWell TV / Youtube Your reviews matter to us and help spread the good news, so please leave us one where you listen to your podcast! If we read your review on our show, we'll send you a gift from the Revelation Wellness Store! We'd also love to hear from you! So please leave us a VOICE MESSAGE here! Tell us what you thought about this episode!