GCSE RE AQA : How Church Architecture Reflects Catholic Beliefs & Contrasting features + artefacts
Revision Made Easy - A podcast by Precious Inyaba

Hi guys and welcome to another episode in the RE series. In today's episode we will be looking at three topics that follow on from each other. The first topic we will be looking at the is church architecture and how it reflects Catholic beliefs. In order to do this we will be comparing churches built before and after 1965. We will also be learning how churches help Catholics to worship. In the second part of the episode we will be looking at the main features of a typical Catholic Church. In the final part of the episode we will be exploring Contrasting features and artefacts used by Catholics and understanding their significance. If you are aiming for the top grades why not try some exam questions: 1) Give 2 common features of Catholic Churches built before 1965 [2 marks ]. 2) "A crucifix is a better source of comfort and inspiration than a cross or Risen Christ. " Evaluate this statement and give arguments for and against [12 marks ]. I hope you find this useful, don't forget to share this resource with your friends. God bless