GCSE RE AQA : How the Incarnation Affects Catholic Attitudes Towards religious art
Revision Made Easy - A podcast by Precious Inyaba

Hi guys and welcome to another episode in the RE series. In today's episode we will be looking at different interpretations of statues of Jesus. Also we will be underetsnding how the incarnation affects Catholic attitudes towards religious art as well as exploring reasons for and against religious art. If you are aiming for the top grades why not try some exam questions : 1) Give 2 ways in which Catholics use religious art [2 marks ]. 2) Explain 2 ways in which statues can remind Catholics of Jesus' love for them [4 marks ]. 3) "Art that depicts God should be forbidden. " Evaluate this statement and give arguments for and against religious art [12 marks ]. I hope that you enjoyed this podcast and found it useful, don't forget to share this resource with your friends. God bless