GCSE RE AQA : The Significance of the Creation Stories for Catholics
Revision Made Easy - A podcast by Precious Inyaba

Hi guys and welcome back to another episode of revision made easy. In today's episode we will discover 6he signifance of the creation stories for Catholics as opposed to how other Christians may view it. It is important to reiterate that Catholics DO NOT TAKE THE CREATION ACCOUNT LITERALLY BUT ONLY SYMBOLICALLY. Furthermore, if you want to achieve those high grades then why not try some exam questions: 1) Give 2 ways that the belief in the sanctity of life influences Catholics today [4 marks]. 2) "The teachings in the Genesis creation stories mean that humans can do what they like. " Evaluate this statement and give argument for and against this view [12 marks]. I hope you found the podcast useful, please share with your friends. God bless.