143: Exact steps to enroll new rockstar teammates without sending “hey girl” messages

ANSWER THE CALL - A podcast by Angie Garner


I hate to break it to ya, Sister Friend, but most people aren’t looking for a MLM.    They are looking for, however, more MONEY, TIME & SIGNIFICANCE.    And this is what you need to create your content around. You need to speak to these pain points.    In addition to content that connects, in this episode I lay out the exact steps to take a curious prospect to a devoted teammate.    Here they are if you love a visual list (like me!):    Talk about money in your content. Money, time, significance.  Share your story at least once/week. Share testimonials.  Use STORIES to start convos.  Ask questions. Use voice memo.  Use your success system.  Hop on the phone.  Directly ask: Are you ready to get started?  Work from a list. Lovebomb your dream team.    Work your social marketing business in one hour or less per day with my free Power Hour Guide: https://angiegarner.lpages.co/power-hour-guide/