202: Who is MLM for (and not for!)

ANSWER THE CALL - A podcast by Angie Garner


  Welcome back tot FREEDOM WEEK where we are examining the pros and cons of network marketing, and in today's episode I candidly share who I believe this business model is ideal for.   The short answer is, if you don't need any more time/money/significance in your life you probably aren't a good candidate. It is also NOT for you if you care more about preserving your ego over your dreams...   But it very well COULD be for you if:  -you hate your job -you have no time  -you have no retirement plan -you trade time for money  -you want to fund a big dream (like more vacations!)  -you need to keep up with inflation to cover basic expenses  -you have debt to pay off  -you are a SAHM and you want “your own thing” -you don’t come from money but want a rich life!   My journey started when I stopped caring about what the WRONG people thought!   I’m currently opening the ability to work with me in a tight-knit mastermind for the rest of 2022.   If you hear yourself in this story - I want you to send me a direct message @makebankwithang on Instagram to schedule an exploration call!