How the Wealthy Pay Zero in Taxes

Rise Up. Live Free. - A podcast by Bradley Gibb, Ryan D Lee, Jimmy Vreeland, Ryan D. Lee


In today’s episode, Brad and Ryan dive into the tax code.They are ready to show you the world that exists for those who know how to use the tax code to its fullest strategically.Financial empowerment comes from getting knowledge. These tactics are not a game that only the wealthy understand how to play. They are hiding in plain sight, and you are very close to discovering them.The tax code is written as a treasure map to show you the steps that the government has put in place to empower you to pay less (sometimes zero) in taxes by following it.Learning that you can keep more of what you earn with your hard work and use it to build wealth is definitely an empowering experience.Yes, your focus should be to increase your income while you keep more of every dollar you make. Dive in and discover the tax code.Key Takeaways:Introduction (0:00)Is it possible for an individual to pay less in taxes? (3:59)How an average person can use the tax code (8:16)What does it mean to say you pay 20% in taxes? (11:32)How multiple income streams affect your tax rate (15:21)Loopholes vs. having a tax strategy (27:18)Additional Resources:Join Our CashFlow Tactics GroupTake Our FREE 5-day CashFlow Tactics Challenge