Damp Guts, Dirt Tea & The Beauty of Chinese Medicine

rituals, remedies & alchemy - A podcast by aryn drake-lee

8.25.2021 Episode #12 Hello Listeners! We have another WEIRD.EARTH family conversation comin' at you with the wonderful Kate Carson!!! Kate graduated from Five Branches University in San Jose, California with a Masters in Traditional Chinese Medicine. One of the most profound tenets of this medicine is its focus on the health of each patient individually. This allows for a large range of ailments, health goals, and healing. Kate has a special interest in the treatment of issues across the mental health spectrum, gut health, and family medicine. Aryn and Kate discuss all of this & more, including a special shout out to CISSY MAJEBE and her magical powers. We are so excited for you to join us for this enlightening and engrossing conversation. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!  Production Note: Cissy Majebe is at The Chinese Accupuncture Clinic in Asheville, NC  Find us on the internet! Kate: @avisualapothecary and for booking please visit www.weird.earth Aryn: @aryndrakelee // www.rra.earth Our gorgeous music, "Faith's Hymn" by Beautiful Chorus is available on Spotify, add it to your playlist. Enormous gratitude for my visuals creator, editor and partner in creation on this pod, Ari Basile.