Nodes: From Sagittarius/Gemini to Taurus/Scorpio

rituals, remedies & alchemy - A podcast by aryn drake-lee

12.1.21 Episode #17 We are coming to you with a very important astrological information download from anticapitalist astrologer and teacher, Kelsey Rose Tortorice! We are so lucky to have her on the show to help breakdown and decipher the star code through Nodal Transits. While nodes are not planetary bodies, they are very significant aspect of the astrological weather as they are the point in space in which the sun and moon will cross paths. Join us as we find out where we just were the past 18 months, where we are now, and where we are heading. There is so much here. We hope you get as much from this as we did!  Gratitude as always for listening.  Find us on the internet! Aryn: @aryndrakelee // Kelsey: @kelseyrosetort // Kelsey is an anticapitalist astrologer and teacher. As a being ruled by Jupiter, she is deeply engaged in the processes of expansion and understanding of self, other, relationality, and consciousness. She embraces the simultaneous difference and sameness of each human experience, and utilizes various modalities, frameworks, and spiritual teachings in honoring and navigating this apparent contradiction. Kelsey aims to accompany people on their journeys home to themselves, inviting deeper levels of autonomy and authenticity on the way. Our gorgeous music, "Faith's Hymn" by Beautiful Chorus is available on Spotify, add it to your playlist. Enormous gratitude for my visuals creator, editor and partner in creation on this pod, Ari Basile.