Is There Such A Thing As A Bad Relationship?
Rori Raye Feminine Energy Radio - A podcast by Rori Raye
Is there really any such thing as a bad relationship? Could there have been a reason you got into the relationship with that particular man? And then a reason why you stayed longer than you wish you had (looking back!)? In this video, Rori Raye, Natalina Love, and Lylian Toscano discuss all the possible benefits (and yes, the "Learnings") of ANY relationship - no matter how much it hurt, no matter how unsuited and awful he was for and to you. What we say may shock you, though it might give you some of the answers you're looking for right now. If you're in a "bad relationship" now (physical abuse doesn't count - that, you need to run from instantly, and if you need help, please call for help!) - perhaps he's just not "up to speed" or a good partner, maybe he's not so great a kisser, not affectionate or attentive...anything that's making you wonder "why you're still there"- you'll feel hugged instead of judged, and get some solid insights. To work with Lylian Toscano and great Siren School coaches one-to-one, join us at the Feminine Energy Workshop! Love, Rori