Does JLR have a tax appointment, Charlie listens to music made by an incel, and much more!

Rover's Morning Glory - A podcast by Rover, Duji, Dieter, Charlie, Jeffrey LaRocque, Snitzer and Krystle (WMMS)

Does JLR have an appointment set up for his taxes to be done? Woman claims GATE students were being recruited and groomed. Duji has saved all of Gianna's old schoolwork. Charlie's mom consulted a priest before letting him purchase a Marilyn Manson album. Pornstar, Bonnie Blue, claims to have slept with 1,000 men in 12 hours. Would you rather be with a slut or someone who is celibate? Man arrested for setting a congressman's office on fire. Caller believes China has a better quality of life than Americans. Mary from St. Louis hopes Snitzer keeps his values after succumbing to President Trump's ideas for the future. Antioch school shooting. Charlie listens to music made by an incel. Suicide survivor goes into schools to talk to youth about their experience.