Will tow truck drivers hate Charlie now, Rover wants to know Duji's donut truck profits, and more!
Rover's Morning Glory - A podcast by Rover, Duji, Dieter, Charlie, Jeffrey LaRocque, Snitzer and Krystle (WMMS)
Rover has a tiny head. East coast dockworkers are on strike. Crime is down. People mask their emotions and things they are going through when in public. The guys on the show would never want their friends to stay the night at their house. Video of Chicago tow truck drivers smashing into each other at the scene of an accident. Every cop hates Charlie but now will every tow truck driver hate him too? $1 an hour to park, what is that, like $15 for 15 min? How is Duji's donut truck doing and did she ever get a refund from the car wash? Syncing up Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon and The Wizard of Oz. Man smashes an autographed Taylor Swift guitar. Can you trust a certificate of authenticity? Bidding on replica auction items.