32. Mark Lane-Holbert — Running as therapy

Run with Love - A podcast by Jënni Jalonen


Mark is a runner and a running therapist, which means that he helps people to foster mental health and meaning-making through the combination of traditional logotherapy with walk/running practice. JOIN THE ULTRA INTERVAL CHALLENGE Free virtual event — 8*10K in 24 hours! ➡️ www.ultraintervalchallenge.com⁣ Connect with Mark E-mail: [email protected] Instagram: @runninganthropologist Further readings Viktor Frankl Logotherapy center: https://themeaningseeker.org/ Deutsches Lauftherapiezentrum (to become a certified running therapist): Dynamic Running Therapy app: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/drt/id1453059256 Recoverycamino: www.recoverycamino.com Talkspace — Online mental health treatment for everyone: www.talkspace.com Guided running meditations with Mark: https://insighttimer.com/laneholbert Two articles explaining that running therapy is best combined with other professional therapeutic techniques: https://www.outsideonline.com/2373501/running-therapy-william-lent-sepideh-saremi https://trailrunnermag.com/people/running-isnt-therapy.html Spread the Love JOIN THE RUN WITH LOVE COMMUNITY! www.facebook.com/groups/runwithlovecommunity Instagram: runwithlovepodcast Facebook: facebook.com/runwithlovepodcast Website: runwithlove.com Donate to the Run with Love Foundation: runwithlove.com/donate