The Wire - April 2, 2024

S2 Underground - A podcast by S2 Actual


//The Wire//2000Z April 2, 2024////ROUTINE////BLUF: ISRAELI STRIKE IN DAMASCUS KILLS THREE IRANIAN GENERALS. COLORADO BILL TO GRANT ILLEGALS IDENTITY DOCUMENTS ADVANCES.// -----BEGIN TEARLINE------International Events-Syria: Last night Israeli forces struck a building immediately adjacent to the Iranian Embassy in Damascus. The main structure of the Iranian Embassy was partially damaged in the strike, while the building adjacent was demolished, killing three Iranian generals and several other military leaders/advisors. AC: Iran claims the building was a diplomatic wing of their Embassy compound, whereas Israel claims it was a commercial building. Though this detail is extremely important, independent verification is challenging due to the highly dense urban terrain. Of note, the former Canadian Embassy is also next door to the struck compound (Canada having ceased its diplomatic mission in Syria during the war). In any case, this is undoubtedly a strong escalation in an already very tense conflict.-HomeFront-USA: Emerging court documents that are part of an anti-trust lawsuit allege that Meta/Facebook not only has access to allegedly encrypted private messages, but also sold users’ private messages to Netflix as part of a data sharing agreement. AC: Though the exact details of these latest allegations are not possibly verifiable without a forensic audit of Facebook’s systems, Facebook was designed from the ground up to be an intelligence collection platform, as overwhelmingly indicated by hundreds of leaks, whistleblower testimonies, and governmental spying scandals over the years.Colorado: The Colorado Road and Community Safety Act (SB24-182) has passed the Senate judiciary committee and has been forwarded to appropriations. AC: The only function of this three-page bill, despite it’s name, is to allow illegal immigrants to obtain a Colorado driver’s license. The bill as it currently stands also does not require illegals to be residents of Colorado to obtain a driver’s license. Though this seems very common among many states at this point, it is important to remember that Colorado also recently implemented their Automatic Voter Registration system, which automatically registers all persons who obtain a driver’s license to vote.-----END TEARLINE-----Analyst Comments: It is unclear as to what potential fine-print is contained in Colorado’s SB24-182 as it pertains to other existing laws. The text of the bill is clear enough, but as almost all laws contradict other laws and the Constitution itself, it’s almost certain that this bill will contradict existing legal precedent on the matter. Common sense would dictate that surely a driver’s license law cannot overrule Constitutional rights. However, in all 50 states citizens are finding out that when the rubber meets the road, the text of a law doesn’t really matter in practice. From an information warfare perspective, the intent is clear. First create the automatic voter registration system, then change the definitions of who the law applies to. Changing definitions and requirements is a classing hallmark of mission-creep, and if passed, it would be prudent to assume that this would at minimum move the goalposts when it comes to voting rights in Colorado.Analyst: S2A1//END REPORT//