The Wire - February 27, 2024

S2 Underground - A podcast by S2 Actual


//The Wire//1830Z February 27, 2024////ROUTINE////BLUF: CANADA CONTINUES ATTACKS ON SPEECH. US ARMY REPORTEDLY REDUCES 24,000 JOBS.// -----BEGIN TEARLINE------International Events-Canada: Several bills have been introduced in Parliament with the goal of suppressing and criminalizing speech. Bill C-63, as introduced for the First Reading yesterday, seeks to modify the Criminal Code to create a new hate crime offense that specifically introduces life sentences for some speech crimes. This follows the introduction of Bill C-372 (which was tabled earlier this month) which intends to criminalize the “promotion” of fossil fuels. This bill (as it stands) was allegedly intended to restrict corporate advertising, however most of the restrictions apply to everyday citizens who could face jail time for simply stating that fossil fuels are cheaper or more reliable than allegedly “renewable” energy sources.Red Sea/HOA: The status of the M/V RUBYMAR remains unclear and contradictory. Last night, Houthi forces posted videos indicating that they were in possession of the partially-sunken vessel, or at the very minimum are conducting security patrols in the area. Houthi forces have claimed that they will allow the towing of the stricken vessel only in exchange for humanitarian aid being sent to Gaza. AC: This directly contradicts claims by western authorities/media that the vessel was being towed into port Djbouti. In the videos provided by Houthi forces, the condition of the vessel has deteriorated since the photos released by the BBC a few days ago. Satellite imagery confirms that the RUBYMAR is at anchor in approximately 165 feet of water, at grid coordinate: 38PLV1642909551. Currently, the vessel is abandoned and continues to take on water.-Homefront-Washington D.C. – This morning, Defense officials have leaked plans to restructure the U.S. Army to reduce personnel levels in response to recruiting shortfalls. According to the reports leaked to the media, allegedly 24,000 Army positions will be reduced, most of which are already vacant due to personnel shortages. AC: Continuing the frustrating trend of Pentagon officials conveying information via informal leaks (so as to maintain deniability), no official statement has been released regarding this reduction in force. Instead, all mainstream media reporting cites the same undisclosed document that allegedly contains readiness data. Nevertheless, these numbers are probably more indicative of the overall recruiting crisis that has affected the US military for years. -----END TEARLINE-----Analyst Comments: As the loss of free speech in Canada has reached disturbing levels by American standards, most American states are not far behind with regards to the quiet rule-changing of existing criminal code that makes millions of citizens felons overnight. However, the specific tactics and legalisms used to subjugate Canadian citizens can also serve as a litmus test for impending legal trickery within the USA. For instance, the methods used to financially target participants of the Canadian Trucker protests have been considered by American companies seeking to target firearms retailers. Moving into the election season more financial targeting of not just high-profile political opponents, but lower level dissidents is likely, as evidenced by the continual arrests, prosecutions, and ongoing surveillance of J6 participants. This is especially important to consider as in the United States, much of the targeting of taxpayers may originate from the desires of government/elites, but in practicality is enacted by private companies acting on the behalf and/or wishes of the federal regime. This already is a matter of routine among platforms like Facebook/Meta when it comes to speech. However, much more serious targeting can (and is likely to) occur as the social/political/economic situation in the US deteriorates closer to th