The Wire - March 1, 2024

S2 Underground - A podcast by S2 Actual


//The Wire//2200Z March 1, 2024////ROUTINE////BLUF: WILDFIRES CONTINUE IN TEXAS. JAPAN BEGINS TO IMPROVE DEFENSES ON REMOTE OUTLYING ISLANDS.// -----BEGIN TEARLINE------International Events-Poland: This morning a hit-and-run incident injured 17 people as a vehicle rammed into a crowd in the port city of Szczecin. The driver was later apprehended. As of this report it is not immediately clear if this was a deliberate action. Far East: Japanese defense strategists have outlined preparations to increase bomb shelter defenses for residents living on some of Japan’s more remote outlying islands. This follows many months of preparations among U.S. forces throughout the region, who have steadily improved existing bases throughout the region.-Homefront-Maine: United Airlines flight 883 (from London to Newark) conducted an emergency landing in Bangor due to an unruly passenger causing serious disruptions. No further details on this incident at this time.Texas: Multiple wildfires continue to present hazards following the increase in favorable fire weather conditions over the past few days. The Smokehouse Creek Fire, the largest in Texas history (and the second largest in U.S. history) is now 15% contained. Precipitation yesterday greatly aided containment efforts, and have allowed crews to focus efforts on the northern edge of the fire. The Windy Deuce Fire in Moore County is still active, and is 50% contained at a size of roughly 142,000 acres.-----END TEARLINE-----Analyst Comments: Though the announcement of Japanese civil defense improvements may stoke concerns, this is likely not an indicator of imminent actions but rather a clear continuation of trends preparing for an eventual conflict within Asia. Most nations throughout the region have been preparing for an eventual conflict with China for years. As attacks on Japan (such as the island of Okinawa), and any other U.S. bases in the region are all but certain in the event of conflict, the creation and improvement of U.S. bases in the south Pacific is likely to increase substantially in the future.Analyst: S2A1//END REPORT//