The Wire - March 11, 2024

S2 Underground - A podcast by S2 Actual


//The Wire//2330Z March 11, 2024////ROUTINE////BLUF: U.S. EMBASSY IN HAITI BEGINS EVAC. BOEING WHISTLEBLOWER FOUND DEAD.// -----BEGIN TEARLINE------International Events-Haiti: Conflict continues to escalate as the U.S. Embassy is evacuated of non-essential personnel. Full-blown rebellion is the nature of the recent conflict as every governmental department and agency has been completely stripped of what little control they maintained in the country before the recent conflagration. Currently the most powerful man in the country is Jimmy Cherizier, an ex-police officer turned warlord who has taken control of most of the country.AC: The majority of Port-au-Prince has been host to disturbing violence over the past few days as the situation has deteriorated due to gang violence. Before the current escalation, Haiti was well known for being the most violent society in the western hemisphere. As sheer desperation and extreme poverty are the norm, the latest escalation of violence has resulted in disturbing behavior, to include limited instances of cannibalism.-HomeFront-SC: This afternoon a former Boeing quality manager was found dead outside a Charleston hotel where he was staying while testifying against Boeing. Authorities state that John Barnett died of a self-inflicted wound while undergoing depositions related to a whistleblower lawsuit regarding Boeing allegedly using substandard parts in the construction of aircraft. His body was found in his vehicle in the parking lot of his hotel when he did not show up for the next round of depositions the next day.AC: As all eyes are on Boeing after many high-profile incidents and accidents, the exceptionally suspicious death of a former quality assurance manager is almost certain to cause increased scrutiny of Boeing’s activities, in addition to highlighting the seriousness of the implications this may have throughout the aviation industry. Boeing, though suffering the bad press of several accidents in short succession, could have turned the situation around in due time. However, the very public death of a key witness during a critical deposition is not likely to result in the general public granting the benefit of the doubt to this company anytime soon.-----END TEARLINE-----Analyst Comments: In Haiti, the grand question remains: What is to become of this nation? Considering all factors, there are several potential courses of action. In the short term, violence is likely to continue as Cherizier seeks to centralize control of the capital. The medium-to-long term options are less clear. One option that is possible is some form of international intervention. However, no nation (particularly those with the capabilities) is eager to step up a peacekeeping force in any location, much less in Haiti. Unfortunately, though conflict has reached new heights recently, Haiti is no stranger to these conditions which have been similarly desperate for many years.Analyst: S2A1//END REPORT//