The Wire - March 12, 2024

S2 Underground - A podcast by S2 Actual


//The Wire//2130Z March 12, 2024////ROUTINE////BLUF: HAITI PM RESIGNS. FEDERAL AGENCIES WORKING WITH VIDEO GAME PLATFORMS.// -----BEGIN TEARLINE------International Events-Haiti: Prime Minister Henry has resigned following the unrest of the past few days. This morning the U.S. announced the contribution of a $300 million package to a potential Kenyan-led peacekeeping intervention. It is unclear as to when (or if) this peacekeeping mission will begin deployment to Haiti.-HomeFront-USA: Yesterday a report published by the Government Accountability Office confirmed that video game companies are collaborating with federal agencies to identify and target “extremism”. The report also indicates that the end goals of this collaboration are unclear, and conducted without warrants due to the Terms of Service agreements acknowledged by users of all online gaming platforms.-----END TEARLINE-----Analyst Comments: It is highly likely that federal agencies are using terms of service violations to flag what they consider to be “extremist” behavior, which at this point is any idea that is not approved by the powers that be. Consequently, this shifting of the goalposts is a continuation of the crippling domestic spying environment that all Americans are already living in.Regarding the deteriorating situation in Haiti, indicators are mounting suggesting the beginning of a mass exodus from Haiti. As the migrant crisis continues, it is likely that the United States will see an increase in illegal immigrants from Haiti following the latest escalation of violence. The specifics of how this migrant surge will manifest are unknown, however an easy observation to make is the potential for mass exodus from Haiti if the violence continues.Analyst: S2A1//END REPORT//