The Wire Weekly Rollup - March 3-9, 2024

S2 Underground - A podcast by S2 Actual


//The Wire Weekly Rollup//March 3-9, 2024//-----BEGIN TEARLINE------International Events-Red Sea/HOA: Kinetic actions continue as Houthi forces strike multiple vessels this week. The M/V TRUE CONFIDENCE was struck with at least one cruise missile, forcing the surviving crew to abandon ship in the Gulf of Aden. Three mariners were killed in the strike, and four others wounded. The survivors were rescued from their life rafts shortly after the strike by the Indian Navy.Middle East: The United States has begun preparations for the creation of a temporary dock facility in Gaza, which will enable aid to be delivered more efficiently to Palestinians.Northern Europe: NATO’s routine arctic exercise begins. OPN COLD RESPONSE has been renamed OPN NORDIC RESPONSE following the recent accession of Finland and Sweden into NATO. These exercises will involve around 90,000 soldiers and will continue until March 14th.-HomeFront-TX: The impact of recent wildfires in the panhandle have impacted beef prices following the destruction of 1.3 million acres of grazing land. Recovery efforts are underway to provide feed for the ranchers affected by the disaster. AC: Though the impact of the damage is still being assessed, the loss of substantial portions of grazing land is highly likely to continue to impact beef prices as almost 90% of the cattle in Texas are reared in the areas affected by wildfire.Washington D.C. – The parent of a fallen service member was arrested after shouting at President Biden during the State of the Union address Thursday night. Following Biden’s remarks regarding the safety of Americans, Steve Nikoui shouted the words “ABBEY GATE!” before being arrested. AC: Steve Nikoui is the father of LCpl Kareem Nikoui, USMC, one of the 13 American service members killed by a suicide bomber at the Abbey Gate of Hamid Karzai International Airport during the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021. NY: Approximately 750 armed National Guard soldiers have been deployed to the NYC subway system allegedly in response to the recent crime wave. Bag-search checkpoints have been established on the subway as well.-----END T