SaaS Growth Trends from Real World Data

SaaS Connect - SaaS Partnerships & SaaS Leaders - A podcast by Cloud Software Association


In this episode of SaaS Connect by Cloud Software Association, Daniel Stevenson shares trends from Blissfully, a SaaS management platform that helps companies discover, and then manage their SaaS applications, giving Blissfully access to a large amount of real world data about how people are using SaaS applications. Some points in the presentation include: We are still in a SaaS explosion, with companies spending on average $343,000 on SaaS applications. The data allows us to start to drill into and understand the relationships between users and the applications themselves. The average number of SaaS applications each employee uses, and how each application has relationships that come with ramifications in terms of spend, privacy, security, and compliance. The numbers (spend, turnover, SaaS growth, ownership, churn) for companies that have 1–50, 51–100, and 201–500 employees, and the complexities and inefficiencies as the company grows and the impact on subscriptions. Thank you to our amazing podcast team at Content Allies. Want to launch your own B2B revenue-generating podcasts? Contact them at