Your Hottest Channel Startup Questions Answered by Data
SaaS Connect - SaaS Partnerships & SaaS Leaders - A podcast by Cloud Software Association
In this episode of SaaS Connect by Cloud Software Association, Rob Belcher, managing director of SaaS Capital, shares findings from a B2B SaaS survey that the company produces, which details data on the state of the market and channel. SaaS Capital helps SaaS businesses fund their growth without selling more and more equity. To ensure they remain on top of B2B SaaS trends, metrics, and benchmarking data, they conduct an annual survey with their database. The data Rob shares on this show is from their eighth annual survey, reflecting findings from 2018. With more than 1,000 respondents, they received data around performance benchmarking—for example, revenue, growth rate, and retention rates—and answered the hottest questions that companies in the B2B SaaS space are asking, such as, “Should I start a channel? How should I do it? Who should I partner with? Is it worth it? Some of the data presented in this episode includes: How many companies have channels. Growth of companies with reseller programs. How much revenue partner programs bring in. One statistic shows that 53% of respondents received revenue from partnership programs. Types of partnerships. How partnerships are structured. Big takeaways from the survey, such as channel programs being more common in larger companies and horizontal businesses; and those with a channel program growing 5% faster than those without. Note: This presentation took place at a 2019 SaaS Conference. The data presented is from 2018. Thank you to our amazing podcast team at Content Allies. Want to launch your own B2B revenue-generating podcasts? Contact them at