The Story Behind Sarah's Temple of the Sacred Flame

Sacred You - A podcast by Rachel Goodwin

Interview we did on facebook about Sarah and her Sacred Flame temple with me and Eve-Lena Andersson! You can find the White Flame call here Eva-Lena's page is on FB is here As a thank you, if you'd like to treat Rachel to a cup of coffee, you can do so here! Read more about Sarah's Sacred Temple at Sarah's White Flame of Divinity is ready to be anchored onto the Earth Plane! We have work to do! ... 'Welcome I am Sarah. My flame is soon to be birthed upon the earth, but until that time you can start to ‘pull it in’ through me, through my presence, I am a portal. Once the flame is present upon the earth, it will be grounded here, just as the Magdalene flame and the Christ flame are. 2023 has been hailed as an important date in terms of the ‘Ascension calendar’ and indeed, my flame will be present on the earth by then. But it is going to take some work! Always, your presence must be involved (by this I mean the physical presence of humanity.) You have underestimated your capabilities... Now this level of energy is returning to earth, returning to humanity as a level of consciousness. Read the rest of this channeling on the free preview -  online school

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