Plato, Republic Book 6 - The Divided Line, Truth, And The Faculties - Sadler's Lectures

Sadler's Lectures - A podcast by Lectures on classic and contemporary philosophical texts and thinkers by Gregory B. Sadler


This lecture discusses key ideas from the ancient philosopher Plato's work, The Republic, in particular book 6. Specifically it examines his discussion in the end of book 6 of the "Divided Line". This analogy is used to arrange the matters human beings can grasp and (in some cases) develop knowledge about, ranging from those that posses the least truth and being to those that possess the most. The four parts of the line include: 1. he domain of shadows, reflections, and other things of that sort; 2. the domain of "real", material, generally visible, objects, such as animals, plants, and human-produced artifacts; 3. some of the forms, those that are grasped to some degree through likenesses; and 4. the forms grasped on their own terms, and the Form of the Good. We also have four modes of grasping these objects. Eikasia, "imagination" or "picture thinking""; Pistis, "belief"; Dianoia, "discursive thinking"; and Noesis, "understanding" or "intellection". To support my ongoing work, go to my Patreon site - If you'd like to make a direct contribution, you can do so here - - or at BuyMeACoffee - You can find over 2000 philosophy videos in my main YouTube channel - You can get a copy of Plato's Republic here -