Can Mormons Have Tattoos? | Interview with Al Fox

Saints Unscripted - A podcast by Saints Unscripted

Mormons are discouraged from getting tattoos. But what if you join the Church when you already have tattoos? And what if you get a tattoo while you're a member of the Church? Will God look at you differently if you have tattoos?   Al Fox has been nicknamed 'The Tattooed Mormon.' She was tattooed before she joined the LDS Church and is tattooed to this day. Why? Because, Al says, the atonement covers everything. She doesn't even notice her tattoos anymore and, according to a blessing she received, God doesn't notice her tattoos anymore either.   Al also talks about the rampant judging that happens among Mormons when they see others with tattoos. Upon moving to Utah, Al felt very judged for her appearance, to the point of covering up her tattoos with sleeves. She quickly decided that she shouldn't feel insecure, despite the rudeness of others. They would have to learn the lesson that she wished they already knew.