How should I defend my beliefs??

Saints Unscripted - A podcast by Saints Unscripted

As a Latter-day Saint (or as a member of a different religion), you'll likely find that you're a little bit (maybe even a lotta bit) different than your peers. Your beliefs, worldview, cultural background, and other thoughts and experiences might not be what's "trendy" or even accepted. Because it's different than the norm, we are sometimes afraid to defend our beliefs when they are called into question. What will people think? What if I don't know the answers to their questions? What if they challenge me and I don't want to be challenged? What if I lose my friends because I believe "weird" things?    FRIENDS. It's scary. We are right there with you. It's not easy to stand up and be an example of faith, especially when you might not feel 100% about your beliefs. But whatever it is you believe, STAND UP! God loves you and recognizes your efforts to be brave and strong. He will be with you.    As it says in Doctrine and Covenants: "For I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my spirit shall be in your hearts and mine angels round about you, to bear you up." Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel: