Overcoming Pornography: Nic's Story part 1

Saints Unscripted - A podcast by Saints Unscripted

We LOVED having Nic on our show to tell his story of overcoming pornography. His story is so genuine and powerful. If you've ever struggled with pornography, know someone who has struggled with pornography, or simply want to better understand those who struggle, this is the episode for you!    This is part 1 of a 2-part series: The first part is Nic's story and the second part is Nic answering YOUR questions (from our Instagram page) about pornography.     In this part, Nic tells about struggling with pornography for more than 2 decades. He was first exposed to pornographic images when he was around 11 years old. Since his initial experience, Nic began consuming more and more pornographic material. He was very good at hiding his addiction and was even able to hide it from his wife for many years.    However, he know what he was doing was wrong and he thought he could fix it on his own until one day, he just couldn't take it anymore. Nic and his wife were putting their kids in bed when Nic asked his wife if he could confide in her about something.    And that's when things finally started changing.