Why do we keep commandments?

Saints Unscripted - A podcast by Saints Unscripted

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (otherwise known as Mormons) are accused of having LOTS of commandments that they must abide by in order to gain exaltation. So today we wanted to address why we keep commandments.    What are “Mormon” commandments? Are some things just suggestions and some things commandments? Why does God give commandments and why are we supposed to keep them? Who is responsible for keeping commandments? Just like other religions, we believe in ‘commandments.’ The commandments in the Mormon church aren’t much different from the commandments you’d find in other religions. In fact, we believe in the 10 Commandments found in the Bible, just as our fellow Christians. In addition to the formal 10 Commandments, we believe in other ‘regulations’ that may be unique to Mormonism but fall within the 10 Commandments in the Bible (for example, we believe in keeping the body clean (Word of Wisdom) and paying tithing).