Why You Should Forgive Even When It Hurts, feat. Sabrina

Saints Unscripted - A podcast by Saints Unscripted

Have you ever been so hurt by someone that you find it ludicrous to forgive them? Have you ever felt so broken that you just don't know if you can ever forgive them? Have you ever done something you knew was wrong and now don't feel like you deserve forgiveness?   As you might recall, Jesus Christ told us to forgive EVERYONE. In Doctrine and Covenants 64:10, the Lord says, "I, the Lord, will forgive whom I will forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men."   Justin talks about how it's okay to feel pain and to be hurt. But we need to avoid dwelling on the pain if it is negatively affecting our thoughts and actions on a day to day basis. There comes a time when we must forgive. We need to forgive because we love Christ and his desire is for us to forgive. Forgiving will allow us to love God's children and in doing so, come closer to Him.   True forgiveness isn't always easy! And, as Kwaku mentions, might take years to finally feel like you've fully forgiven or been forgiving. But the progress is the most important element in becoming more like our Savior, Jesus Christ.