Are you overly self critical?

Mindset, Mood & Movement: Systems Thinking for Founder - A podcast by Sal Jefferies


Self criticism can be so hard to live with but sadly it's very common for many of us. I share my personal experience about how my own critical voice has affected my life, how it came about and what I needed to do to deal with it.More importantly I share the reason we may have a critical voice and what it core reason actually is...Subscribe and shareIf you like this podcast, please subscribe to Mindset, Mood & Movement via your favourite podcast app. And if you have a friend who needs to hear this, please forward this episode on to them.Get in touch with SalIf this episode has caught your attention and you wish to learn more, then please contact me. I offer a free 20 min call where we can discuss a challenge your facing and how I may be able to help you.