Do you worry what others think of you? How to overcome this negative thinking habit.

Mindset, Mood & Movement: Systems Thinking for Founder - A podcast by Sal Jefferies


Do you worry what others think of you? If so, this episode or unravel some of the reasons why you may have this thinking habit and the steps you can take to change this. This annoying habit can happen to anyone and is an energy drain and simply unhelpful way of thinking. Stages to overcome this repeating pattern. Remember we are social species - we are part of a group and it matters that we feel accepted and part of the group. You can challenge your worry at this stage by checking if your concerns are substantiated - eg, have you done anything obvious to upset the group? If not, then this can help loosen the worry What’s the deeper fear underneath the worry? The fear needs to be seen for what it is so you can address it. Eg, if it’s about lack of self confidence, then the ‘worry’ is showing up to highlight this, maybe to keep you safe but it’s a golden opportunity to address the root fear and transcend it into change. Where’s you point of control? Are you giving your power away by allowing the opinion of others to deeply affect you? You may want to bring your centre of control back; to yourself. If you show up with respect, courtesy, values, attention, kindness etc then you will know you’ve got a much stronger internal reference point and you’ll be less affected by the worry pattern. Become discerning where you place your attention - who do you listen to, who’s feedback is valuable is who isn’t worth giving time and attention too will significantly help you. Listen to who truly matters, ignore those who don’t! Final golden nugget - listen to the podcast to hear this to one. Do send me your comments and thoughts as I'm always happy to continue the conversation as it's a big topic with much more to explain. Contact me via email: [email protected] or @saljefferies on Instagram and LinkedIn