How to build a new habit (to get to a big goal)
Mindset, Mood & Movement: Systems Thinking for Founder - A podcast by Sal Jefferies

In this mini-episode, I explain how to build new habits to achieve big goals. The key points I expand upon are:Have a compelling reason why you want to achieve the goal. It should be emotional and really matter to you.Clarify your identity - who will you need to become to achieve this goal? Seeing yourself as that person will help drive your actions.Use structure and planning, not just willpower. Put actions to build the habit in your schedule as non-negotiable appointments.Make the habit obvious, attractive, easy and satisfying. Ask how you can design the habit this way.Show notes:A compelling reason needs energy and emotion. It should really hit you and feel important. [00:01:00]Identity is who you will be when you achieve the goal. It pulls you towards the actions needed. [00:06:00]Scheduling actions makes habits a non-negotiable part of your week. Rely on structure over willpower alone. [00:08:00]The four ways to build a habit are make it obvious, attractive, easy and satisfying. [00:09:00]Get in touch with SalIf this episode has caught your attention and you wish to learn more, then please contact me. I offer a free 20 min call where we can discuss a challenge your facing and how I may be able to help you.