How to navigate a crisis of meaning by understanding archetypes with Greg Donaldson
Mindset, Mood & Movement: Systems Thinking for Founder - A podcast by Sal Jefferies

In this episode, we are looking at how to navigate a crisis of meaning by understanding archetypes with psychotherapist, Greg Donaldson.In a previous career, Greg was an actor and our conversation about how to understand and use archetypal patterns is really helpful. Often, when we are having a crisis of meaning we are driven by our subconscious and often I'll pass story. In this revealing episode, Greg and I unpack from both our respective fields about how you can use this knowledge if you're struggling with meaning yourself. As Greg says, the issue we face as being a human with psychological awareness and a 'cast full of characters', means we have a paradoxical nature. Oppositional characters within us and a lot of the problem of life comes through thinking that I have to choose one 'character' and stick with it (whilst suppressing the others). It's deep and engaging episode into archetypes and I hope you enjoy.Key Learnings:1. Archetypes are innate patterns or energies that can manifest through us, representing different aspects of the human experience.2. We all have various subpersonalities or parts within us, some of which we may suppress or ignore, leading to internal conflicts and a potential crisis of meaning.3. Understanding and integrating these different parts or archetypes can help alleviate depression, meaninglessness, and a sense of being stuck in life.4. Exercises like drawing a line and listing "me" and "not me" traits can reveal suppressed aspects of ourselves that need to be acknowledged and expressed.5. Striking a balance and allowing different archetypes (e.g., the King, Warrior, Lover, Magician) to express themselves in a harmonious way can lead to personal growth and a more fulfilling life.6. Archetypes like the Victim and the Prostitute represent universal human experiences of suffering and compromise that need to be honored and integrated.Show Notes:- Definition and overview of archetypes- The concept of subpersonalities and different parts within us- Exercises to identify suppressed aspects of yourself (the "me" and "not me" exercise)- Archetypes like the King, Warrior, Lover, Magician, Victim, and Prostitute- The importance of integrating different archetypes and finding balance- Using archetypes to navigate a crisis of meaning or feeling stuck in life- Recommended reading: "Warrior, Magician, Lover and King" by Rod Boothroyd and works by Caroline MyssGet in touch with SalIf this episode has caught your attention and you wish to learn more, then please contact me. I offer a free 20 min call where we can discuss a challenge your facing and how I may be able to help you.Greg's BIO.Greg is a UKCP psychosynthesis psychotherapist based in Brighton. He has a passion for psychosynthesis and working archetypally, helping clients to come into more acceptance of themselves and their relationships. Greg also has an interest in integrating peak experiences and has worked as a psychedelic guide for the phase 2 trials at Imperial College for patients with treatment resistant depression. Having been an actor for 20 years before changing careers, he also has an understanding and interest in creativity and self-expression and how to navigate existential crisis. Get in touch with Greg here