How to overcome limiting beliefs around money

Mindset, Mood & Movement: Systems Thinking for Founder - A podcast by Sal Jefferies


I dive into the topic of "How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs Around Money." Over the years, I've seen how deeply ingrained beliefs about money can hold people back from achieving financial success, and I’ve personally experienced it too. In this episode, I share how you can start to unravel these limiting beliefs and view money for what it truly is – a neutral, transactional energy. I'll help you separate the negative stories from your past and replace them with a mindset that encourages abundance and flow. Whether you're an entrepreneur or just seeking more financial empowerment, this episode will give you practical insights to transform your relationship with money.Chapters & Timestamps:[00:00:20] Why You Have Limiting Beliefs About MoneyDiscover why many of us develop negative associations with money and how these beliefs affect our lives.[00:00:50] Money is Like Flowing Water – Understanding Financial FlowI explain how money is like water, naturally flowing and neutral, until it is "colored" by personal beliefs.[00:01:40] How to Separate Money From Emotional BeliefsUnpack how personal stories and negative narratives cloud our view of money and stop us from achieving success.[00:02:30] How Your Upbringing Shapes Your Money MindsetExplore the role of family and societal messages in shaping limiting beliefs about money and how to overcome them.[00:03:00] Exercise: Identifying Your Money StoryUse this exercise to reveal your subconscious beliefs about money and start rewriting your money story.[00:03:50] The True Transactional Nature of MoneyUnderstand that money is simply a transactional energy, often earned by the value and impact you bring to the world.[00:05:20] Overcoming Emotional Blocks and Fear Around MoneyLearn how to disentangle emotional charges like fear, guilt, or shame from your financial beliefs to achieve clarity and abundance.[00:06:00] Final Thoughts and EncouragementStart applying these mindset shifts today to overcome limiting beliefs and unlock your financial potential.Get in touch with SalIf this episode has caught your attention and you wish to learn more, then please contact me. I offer a free 20 min call where we can discuss a challenge your facing and how I may be able to help you.