How to stop excessive worrying.
Mindset, Mood & Movement: Systems Thinking for Founder - A podcast by Sal Jefferies

Do you find yourself worrying excessively? Has the pandemic and the ongoing fall out caused you to spend way more time worrying and it's becoming unhealthy? In this podcast episode, I cover this topic and share insights and practical knowledge of why we worry, how to change the habit of excessive worrying and how to access deep inner strength. I cover specific areas including: 💡 What the purpose of worry is. 💡 How worrying can become a habits and how to break that habit. 💡 Catastrophizing and a strategy of applying a non-attachment. If this triggers something for you, do reach out as I specialise in helping smart people who overthink get a wider perspective, find courage and apply that in business and life. Do you share your thoughts, comments and questions with me as I always love to continue the dialogue. You can reach me at my website; or on Linkedin and Instagram - @saljefferies