If you want to be heard, listening is the key

Mindset, Mood & Movement: Systems Thinking for Founder - A podcast by Sal Jefferies


Listening well can open up wonderful conversations and create connection between people. Sometimes, we might not listen as well as we could and other times we are simply not being heard by the other person. In this podcast, I share my experience about levels of listening and a simple strategy to become a better listener. Here is a playful description from poor listening skills through to the most wonderful: “My broadcast”. Making statements and it’s all about the speaker “It’s still about me “- will use any trigger to bring the conversation back to them but has some space in there broadcast “I know best” - Listening to give advice (often without permission) “I’ll give you 5mins of airtime “ - starting to be able to listen but the speaker is still needing most of the airtime. “Hear and be heard” - the speaker and other are in balance and there’s genuine interest from both sides (Think on your feet and flow with the dance and rhythm. (Distinction is asking questions and being present). Deeply listens... here’s beneath the words, hears the truth and listens with whole body from not actually listening  Do send me your comments and thoughts as I'm always happy to continue the conversation (well this is an episode about good listening!) Contact me via email: [email protected] or @saljefferies on Instagram and LinkedIn