Overcome stress - feeling overwhelmed? maybe you need better boundaries.

Mindset, Mood & Movement: Systems Thinking for Founder - A podcast by Sal Jefferies


 One major cause of stress is overwhelm. When you've taken on too much and it's taking it's toll. In this episode, we cover this topic, how boundaries are vital and ho to put them into place. A boundary can be defined by asking 'what’s OK and what's not OK'? and often saying YES when it’s better to say NO. There can be emotional, psychological and physical boundaries - time, financial, workload etc Listen now to learn more and get some further strategies to help you reduce overwhelm and reduce stress.  Do send me your comments and thoughts as I'm always happy to continue the conversation (well this is an episode about good listening!) Contact me via email: [email protected] or @saljefferies on Instagram and LinkedIn