The 5 Sequences (almost) Every Funnel Needs…

Sales Funnel Radio - A podcast by Steve J Larsen


There are really 5 different sequences involved in (almost) every funnel. These are CRITICAL to the conversion rate in things free or paid. These are the sequences that I think through any time I plan and build a funnel because, more often than not, you are not likely to have a problem with leads. Most people just don't know what to do with them. In our business, we noticed that we have no problem sending leads to someone's funnel, but we have to teach people how to deal with these leads to get a sale and a long-term relationship with the buyer. This is my purpose with this episode.  These sequences will not only increase sales, but they actually tee up long-term relationships. They ascend your customers up the value ladder to your other offers. Let's dive in! Key Takeaways What are you doing with your leads? (00:00) How to increase your sales without being annoying (05:26) Leads make or break a business (06:35) Sequence #1 – The promo sequence (08:00) Sequence #2 – Follow up sequence (13:22) Sequence #3 – Seen but not purchased sequence (14:35) Sequence #4 – Consumption series (17:32) Sequence #5 – Ascension sequence (23:10) Additional Resources  - Offers that Won - Get your Capitalist Pig Swag Here  - Capitalist Pig Facebook Group  - Interview me on your show - Connect with me here  --- Download Season 1 episodes here -- Sales Funnels Radio is a podcast for all passionate digital marketing pros looking to up their game and stay ahead. Artwork