How Shifting from a Prey to Predator Mindset Can Grow Your Sales Career Exponentially with Sports Mindset Expert Gene Zannetti

Sales Game Changers | Tips from Successful Sales Leaders - A podcast by Fred Diamond


This is episode 286. Read the complete transcription on the Sales Game Changers Podcast website. GENE'S TIP TO EMERGING SALES LEADERS: "I want you to take three different prey mindsets that you tend to have and change them into predator mindsets. If you tend to think about other people's opinions of you, think how would you change that into focusing more on your effort, your attitude, your aggressiveness. If you're afraid of rejection, if you're thinking too much about the numbers, if you compare yourself too much to your neighbor, change that prey mindset into a predator mindset. Start with three simple examples and then you could move on throughout your life. Any area you want to get better at, you could apply the same approach and it will work, guaranteed. As we always say, whether it's sports, business, school or life, mindset makes the difference."