Sales Career Success with Lifetime Achievement Award Winners Susan Shapero and Joe Ayers from HPE

Sales Game Changers | Tips from Successful Sales Leaders - A podcast by Fred Diamond


This is episode 604. Read the complete transcript on the Sales Game Changers Podcast website. Purchase Fred Diamond’s new best-sellers Love, Hope, Lyme: What Family Members, Partners, and Friends Who Love a Chronic Lyme Survivor Need to Know and Insights for Sales Game Changers now! SUSAN’S TIP:  “Be bold. As you go forward, sometimes some of the things that we’re being asked to do are a little bit scary, to voice your point of view when it might be different than others, to end up calling on new customers rather than those that know you and love you and trust you, to learn new technology when you’ve mastered a previous one, and you need to evolve. Sometimes it’s scary and I would say that, acknowledge that, but do it anyway.” JOE’S TIP:  “Embrace the change. You’re living in an environment now, there’s more change on humankind than ever before with some of the AI and machine learning environments that we have out there. I would suggest embrace it, understand what’s going on, and then work really hard to be a professional. That means understanding the selling, you’re selling skills. Whether that be challenges, sale methodology, whatever you want to use, understand your industry and really get into it.”