Episode 228: Meredith Hudson, Sales Leadership Coach and Advisor — The Ability to Level Up an Entire Team is a Superpower You Can Develop...if You Want To.

Sales Leadership Podcast - A podcast by Rob Jeppsen


Meredith Hudson comes from Leadership Roles in Google, AdRoll, Snapchat and Amazon, and after 20 years of head-turning impact, Meredith now is developing the next generation of Sales Leaders as she runs her own career coaching and leadership development firm. In this episode she joins us to share a framework that will help you develop what may be the greatest superpower any sales leader can have: The ability to level up an entire team…intentionally, predictably, and in a way that will change the career of each salesperson you lead. You can connect with Meredith on LinkedIn here. You can learn more about Meredith and her organization here. You can get more of Meredith’s content here. For video excerpts of this and other episodes of the Sales Leadership Podcast, check out Sales Leadership United on Patreon Here.