003: Designing and Delivering Metaverse Spaces for Brands with CEO of Obsess Neha Singh

Salesforce Commerce Cloud Innovations - A podcast by Natalija Pavic - Wednesdays


Did you know the eCommerce structure has not changed since it first began? Until now! With the use of the metaverse, the consumers' shopping experience is dramatically changing. Our online experiences are now becoming more fun and personalized because of a new company called, Obsess. Obsess is a Salesforce partner and experiential eCommerce platform that enables brands to create 3D immersive stores on their website and in the metaverse. Neha Singh is the CEO and founder of Obsess, where she is changing the way brands interact with consumers online. Fortunately, it’s incredibly accessible. You don’t need a VR headset or a special device; you can shop in the metaverse by visiting a regular URL. Listen to this episode to learn how Obsess is revolutionizing virtual eCommerce platforms. Show Highlights: Neha’s history working at Google and Vogue and the problems Vogue faced The evolution of online shopping through VR How brands are using gamification and the effect it has on engagement The other use cases for Obsess beyond retail Best practices for building online experiences for brands during the holidays Why brands should or shouldn’t use avatars What is next for Obsess and the eCommerce experience Subscribe and Review We’d appreciate you subscribing to this podcast and leaving an Apple Podcasts review. Reviews help others discover and learn what Salesforce Commerce Cloud is all about. It only takes a second and helps us out a lot! Supporting Resources: Follow Obsess: ObsessAR.com Twitter Follow Neha: LinkedIn Joint Salesforce and Obsess Demo *** Episode Credits If you like this podcast and are thinking of creating your own, consider talking to my producer, Emerald City Productions. They helped me grow and produce the podcast you are listening to right now. Find out more at https://emeraldcitypro.com. Let them know I sent you.