Vos invito ad novum cursum gratuitum... "Vigiliae Vergilianae"! [13-19 m. Septembris MMXXII]
Satura Lanx - Latin language and literature for beginners - A podcast by Satura Lanx: a podcast to learn Latin, in Latin. - Saturdays

Vigiliae Virgilianae will show you a new approach to Latin texts, one that trains you to think in Latin and sets you up for success. 🔥 SIGN UP FOR VIGILIAE VERGILIANAE FOR FREE (SEPT. 13-19 2022): ► https://pages.saturalanx.eu/vv-registration 🎙️ Do you like this podcast? Let me know! Leave a review on iTunes (or the platform you are using to listen to podcasts), comment on my YouTube channel, or send me an email to [email protected]. 📌 FIND ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Telegram channel (to get all I put on the Internet, in only one place): https://t.me/saturalanx Website: https://pages.saturalanx.eu/satura-lanx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/saturalanxlat Twitter: https://twitter.com/SaturaLanx_Lat Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/satura_lanx/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SaturaLanxPo...