Say It Skillfully™ - with Chester Elton, the Apostle of Appreciation
Say It Skillfully® - A podcast by Molly Tschang
Say It Skillfully™ gives you Molly Tschang's expert guidance on the best possible ways to speak your mind at work in a positive and productive manner. In Episode 4, Chester Elton, best-selling author & culture expert, joined and shared how the gift of gratitude, one of the precious gifts money can't buy, dramatically improves your relationships, at work & home. Molly spoke with callers and responded to her LinkedIn network about their challenges: Sophie asked about creating connection when the whole team is virtual (10:10). Garrett, recently out of college and new to his company, inquired about how to share a different point of view, respectfully - without appearing to be difficult. (28:50). What to do when someone appears to be tuning you out? (40:20 min). Vyette called in about being a leader and how to be vulnerable in a positive way with your team and ask for help (42:55) How to confront—without being confrontational—a colleague who’s dragging down the team’s positivity (49:30)