First Minister Humza Yousaf’s speech from SNP Conference Oct 2023

Scottish Independence Podcasts - A podcast by YesCowal Podcasts - Fridays


First Minister Humza Yousaf's keynote speech at his first SNP conference was delivered while his own family members remain trapped in Gaza by the conflict between Palestine and Israel.  Against this emotional background his job is to enthuse and inspire not just his own party members, but the wider Yes movement.  Did he achieve that?  Listen for yourselves and we'll let you decide.   Scottish Independence Podcasts is not party political, but we do occasionally share keynote speeches from a range of party conferences.  On this occasion, with a shameful virtual media blackout evident from main stream media, we thought it even more important that we share this speech, as it sets the scene for the independence movement for the year ahead.  Please share it with anyone you think would find it of interest. This is a bonus episode, we will be back with our normal podcast on Friday as usual The Scottish Independence Podcasts team produce a NEW podcast episode every Friday search for Scottish Independence Podcasts wherever you get your podcasts.  Remember to like and subscribe! Contact Us: [email protected]  Visit our website for blogposts, newsletter signup and more episodes Subscribe to our Youtube channel @scottishindypodExtra for more of our video footage and clips Music:  upbeat corporate by rinkevitch music